Friday, February 3, 2012

Second go-round (Message 15 of 21)

12 May 2011

The second treatment went off yesterday much like the first one. Last time I said, "One down, three to go," but I learned my lesson! It won't be, "Two down, two to go" until the day before my third treatment! 

I have to admit, I didn't go into this second rep as gung-ho to "get it done" as I did the first time, but I left with my "pharmacy" bag well stocked for all of the side effects I suffered last time, plus some I didn't, just in case, and I'm feeling well-prepared and more optimistic that this time will go better than the last. I know that chemo is a cumulative experience, that side effects build over the course of the four treatments, so I'm not kidding myself. But I think that without the sunburn rash at the outset and the mid-way hospital stay, even if things aren't wonderful, maybe I at least won't be dramatically begging to be put out of my misery!

I made this little line drawing that Dr. Mintzer drew for me yesterday explaining how the Neulasta shot will change things during this treatment. The first time around, my white blood cell count took a dive a few days before I got the resulting infection that caused the fever and put me in the hospital. This time around, the Neulasta shot won't prevent the dive, but will bring it right back up, presumably before any infection can take hold. My white blood cell count started off this time lower than it did last time (it's that cumulative effect), but was still well within the acceptable range, so thankfully my treatment was not stalled and no changes are recommended.


Neulasta has (of course) its own set of side effects, for which my "pharmacy" bag is prepared, but to me a day or three of lower back pain, bone pain &/or jaw pain has to be better than that hospital stay was. (Knock on wood!)

So here's what's up over the next three weeks:

Today:     Neulasta shot (And training to administer shots after the last two treatments myself at home.)
Saturday: Swim practice! I wonder if I remember how...  followed by Graduation at work
May 22:   Columbia triathon. I had to give it up, but I will be there cheering and tailgating
June 1:    Chemo #3

Dressed & ready for Staff Development Day!
Dr. Mintzer was disappointed that I had to give up Columbia. His voice dropped as he said, "You will sign up for next year?" I promised I would, and that I am still training for the mind-body "zen" sense of well-being, not to mention the energy boost. He wanted to know what I've been doing for training. I almost felt guilty for the light load over the past three weeks, but hey! I was sunburned and I had a three-day hospital stay! What does he want from me? How many Coaches can a person take??  At any rate, after I pointed out that racing is a more intense day than a training day, he agreed that, even though he thought the shot would do the trick, and even though I am using SPF 110 sunscreen, it was probably best to just play it safe, especially since Columbia is a couple of hours away from home. 
I kept this one by the front door

I am attaching some funny wig pictures, but truthfully, serious hair wigs like the purple one are just amazingly uncomfortable. I have three of those and I can only stand them for about 5 hours before I am driven insane and my scalp is gasping for breath. The goofy wigs are great (except Marge has got to be the worst wig ever!), but not at all practical for (most) work days. So, it's scarfs and hats for me now. Tons better. 

Hope you are well and enjoying the gobs of great spring weather that we've been (over)due! 

Was going to wear Raggedy Ann to a staff picnic, but it  was canceled. : (

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